Dual Citizenship in a Transnational World: Canada and India
Introduction: Individual and the Nation State The concept of citizenship has been changing since the later half of the twentieth [...]
Introduction: Individual and the Nation State The concept of citizenship has been changing since the later half of the twentieth [...]
Context of Quotas Caste in India has been the root cause of a high degree of social stratification and [...]
The aim of education is two fold: collective and individual. At the collective level, the aim is to make an [...]
The Government of India constituted a High Level Committee chaired by Justice R. Sachar, to prepare a report on the [...]
Professor Thorat’s Nehru Memorial Lecture to the University of Mumbai in 2006 raises some vital issues of concern. Although the [...]
Kavita Sharma Conflicts of various kinds constitute an important aspect of the human condition. In everyday life people are frequently [...]
What is a Crisis Stress is a part of our daily lives as we go about our normal tasks [...]
The whole of India at the moment appears a great formless chaos of conflicting influences with a few luminous points [...]
Sri Aurobindo has said, “All Yoga is nothing, but psychology.” The truth of this statement came home to me in [...]
For me to think of Indian women is to dialogue with myself. What are the influences that I grew up [...]